How to send an app on WhatsApp?
Often time we need an app or game from one mobile but we are not able to find out the way to do it. But don’t worry in this article I’ll tell you how you can send apps with the amazing Share App Apk.
Share App APK will help you to create a pathway to send the apps, games, and mod APK from one device to the second device.
How to send apps on WhatsApp on Android Devices
Sending an app or games on Android is an easy task to do. We have 6 easy steps to follow to send the app on WhatsApp on Android Devices.
Steps to send apps and games on WhatsApp via Share App Apk
Step 1: Download and install the Share app apk from the Google Play Store.
Step 2: Open the app
Step 3: Tap on the app you want to send on the WhatsApp
Step 4: At the bottom of the screen, you’ll find options to share. Select the WhatsApp from these options
Step 5: Select the contact you want to send app on WhatsApp
Step 6: Once you select the contact, the app will start sending to the receiver contact
The receiver needs to enable download files from unknown sources from settings to install the app or games.
Have you tried ANWhatsApp? It has amazing features that official one does not have.
How to send apps on WhatsApp on iOS/ iPhone Devices
Security on iOS devices is strict that’s why you can’t send apps directly on WhatsApp but there’s a way to send the exact app.
By sharing the app link
Sharing an app link is one of the possible ways to send an app on WhatsApp. You just need to send the app link to a person on WhatsApp. When the person clicks the click, he will come to the option to download the app from the App Store.
Steps to send apps on WhatsApp via the Sharing App link
Step 1: You need to long press on the app you want to share on the home screen
Step 2: You’ll see the Share App option from the different options. Click the Share App option
Step 3: Once you click, you’ll see the many sharing options. Select WhatsApp from the options
Step 4: Click the link to download the app
Also learn how to send an empty message on WhatsApp.
Final Words
We hope that after reading this article you’ll be able to send apps or games on WhatsApp on your Android and iOS devices. Share App APK on Android devices and sharing links of apps on iPhone is the suitable way for sharing apps on WhatsApp.